Ardeshir Mohases

Ardeshir Mohassess (Rasht, 1938-2008) was a prolific, influential and internationally renowned Iranian artists. Born in the Caspian city of Rasht, Ardeshir Mohassess belonged to an educated and influencial family. Although he was a top candidate for the School of Fine Arts, he studied Political Science and Law at the University of Tehran. He worked as a librarian for one of the government ministries while publishing political drawings in Iranian newspapers. Ardeshir Mohassess is known for his critical and humorous approach to his subject matter. His cartoons incorporated elements from the media, photography, film, as well as Qajar-era lithography and coffeehouse paintings. Using colored pencils, watercolor, and oil paints, he created both professional and amateurish works, employing pen and ink in many of his work. His work bridge the gap between traditional and modern Iranian art. He has influenced many Iranian cartoonists and illustrators, making it impossible to refer to the tradition of drawing and figurative painting in Iran without him. His career spanned over half a century, a century with decisive turns in Iran’s socio-political environment.